Entering the NDIS can be a bit confusing and overwhelming at first glance. This is why we offer pre-planning support to help participants and stakeholders prepare for their NDIS planning meeting to get the supports they need to achieve their goals.
Before participants officially begin receiving support funding through the NDIS, they will have to go through a planning meeting with an NDIA planner. Coming prepared to this meeting is essential for getting the most out of your plan.
Arrange a pre-planning meeting
Call our NDIS line directly at 9300 5491. We can arrange a pre-planning meeting with one of our coordinators to help you prepare for the NDIS.
Downloadable NDIS Resources
Pre-Planning Workbook. We have developed a pre-planning workbook designed to assist individuals in preparing for their first planning meeting. This booklet will help you begin thinking about your support needs to get the most out of your plan.
Download Our Pre-planning Workbook Here. (PDF)
Your NDIS Journey. A quick factsheet intended to help simplify the NDIS process and help new participants understand some of the basic concepts before their first planning meeting.
Download Your NDIS Journey factsheet here. (PDF)
If you have any further questions you can visit our NDIS FAQ section or give us a call at 03 9300 5491. We are happy to help.